Предлагам тази поредица, мисля че я няма на пазара, не съм сигурна обаче, дали някое издателство не я е запланувала, като бъдещ проект. Искам да предложа и поредицата Goddess Summoning/Божествено призоваване/Призоваване на богинята - P.C. Cast
Знам, че от тази поредица в България има 3-та книга, мисля че и първата, но за другите нищо не знам.
Rising Series - Holly Kelly
#1 Rising
Във война между хората и жителите на морето – хората ще загубят. Зантус Димитриу е най – опасния Дагониян, който може да излезе от морето, на мисия да спаси човечеството от унищожение. Но първо той трябва да направи нещо друго... Той трябва да убие красива млада жена в инвалидна количка. Планът му не започваше с нейното убийство. Той трябваше да се внедри в човешкия свят. Съюзявайки се с враговете, докато се ги изпрати при Тритон, за да бъдат наказани за престъпленията си. Тогава Сара Тейлър влезе в картинката. Зантус знаеше от пръв поглед, че тя е престъпница. А нейното престъпление? Това, че се бе родила. Тя е получовек, полудагониян, извращение на природата. Да я убие, то ще да е лесна работа. Всичко, което трябва да направи е да влезе в апартамента й, да й пререже гърлото и да хвърли тялото й на акулите. Простичко, нали? Да, ама не. Само ако не беше толкова красива, толкова невинна и сладка. Спасяването на света можеше да почака. Изглежда Зантус има жена за спасяване. Но, за да я опази, може да му се наложи да изгуби собствения си живот.
#2 Descending
When Xanthus cashes in a long-standing favor, Kyros is faced with doing two things he thought he'd never do - protect a mermaid and live on land. Dagonians loathe mermaids and Sara, Xanthus's wife is no exception. Also, a Dagonian standing on human legs? It's just not natural!
As is being around the vile creatures responsible for polluting his home and killing his sister wasn't horrible enough, Kyros has to deal with Sara's troublesome human friend, Gretchen. This beautiful, spunky human tries his patience and makes him feel things he shouldn't be feeling - least of all for a land-walker! When Gretchen's life is threatened, he is forced to become her protector. But, there are two problems. First, how can he fight his attraction to her when he must keep her close. And second, when a mermaid wants you dead, no one can be trusted. Not even the ones you love.
#3 Avenging
Two thousand years ago, King Triton witnessed the slaughter and total annihilation of his merchildren. He vowed then and there to never again father a child. Powerful and eternally youthful, Triton was no stranger to seduction. But his resolve was unwavering—until he met Nicole. Unable to resist the human woman, he found himself swept up in her arms. When he finally came to his senses, he abandoned her to return to his refuge in the sea.
Twenty years later, he comes face to face with his daughter. Triton is both thrilled and frightened to learn he's a father. Meeting the child he never knew fills a void in his life. But at the same time, he once again finds his heart at risk. Even more terrifying, he's forced to admit he's still in love with Nicole. Gathering his courage, he leaves the sea to seek her out. But the pain he caused is not easily forgotten. And mending broken hearts should be the least of his worries. The elements are in commotion, threatening the utter destruction of mankind. And much to the sea god's surprise, the human woman he loves may be the key to saving them all.
#4 Raging
The long-awaited conclusion to The Rising Series.
For two thousand years, a betrayer has occupied the throne on Olympus. Hungry for power, he has wreaked havoc among the gods, as well as the humans on earth. But a spark of hope ignites in the form of four young women—ones who are destined to free the true king and save the human world. Two have been found, and the others must be located before it's too late.
Drakōn would love nothing more than to turn his back on the whole thing. It's not that he doesn't care about humans, but he has his own world to worry about. But then, he is given an impossible task—one he finds himself unable to refuse. He is charged with protecting a woman, but not just any woman—Tana, goddess of wind and fire.
Tana is more than he bargains for. Sentenced to an eternity of imprisonment for burning hundreds to death in a fiery inferno, she has powerful enemies. Drakōn finds himself facing off with those adversaries even as he questions why he doesn't simply destroy her himself. But Tana is one of four destined to save the world. That is, if she doesn't destroy it first. And Drakōn? He may just lose his most guarded possession. His heart.