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 Предложения за превод

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeНед 19 Яну - 18:00

Тук можете да давате своите предложения за нов превод. 

Изтрих предишната тема, защото в тази предложенията ще се дават по следния начин ЦЪК - необходимо е в мнението ви да е налична корицата, заглавието на всички книги от поредицата (ако е поредица) и резюме, за предпочитане на български език. Предложенията дадени с линк ще бъдат игнорирани.

И този превод, както и предишните, ще се избере чрез анкета, в която ще бъдат включени предложенията, които всеки член от екипа на преводачите избере и за които предостави първите две преведени глави. В тази анкета вие ще можете да гласувате и да изберете превода.

Моля, следете този първи пост за промяна относно срока, в който можете да давате своите предложения.

Предложения за превод Creeping%252520up%252520on%252520caturday

Последната промяна е направена от Renesita на Сря 25 Мар - 19:27; мнението е било променяно общо 1 път

DeeDeee, Kalina, Lido4ud and TULA харесват това мнение

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСъб 25 Яну - 22:38

Моето предложение за фен превод е една поредица на която попаднах наскоро и много бих искала да прочета - Cocktail series by Alice Clayton

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Wallbanger -  Alice Clayton

The first night after Caroline moves into her fantastic new San Francisco apartment, she realizes she's gaining an intimate knowledge of her new neighbor's nocturnal adventures. Thanks to paper-thin walls and the guy's athletic prowess, she can hear not just his bed banging against the wall but the ecstatic response of what seems (as loud night after loud night goes by) like an endless parade of women. And since Caroline is currently on a self-imposed dating hiatus, and her neighbor is clearly lethally attractive to women, she finds her fantasies keep her awake even longer than the noise. So when the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Caroline, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts Simon Parker, her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. The tension between them is as thick as the walls are thin, and the results just as mixed. Suddenly, Caroline is finding she may have discovered a whole new definition of neighborly...

In a delicious mix of silly and steamy, Alice Clayton dishes out a hot and hilarious tale of exasperation at first sight...

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Rusty Nailed -  Alice Clayton

In this sequel to Wallbanger, the second book in the Cocktail series, fan favorites Caroline and Simon negotiate the rollercoaster of their new relationship while house-sitting in San Francisco.

Playing house was never so much fun—or so confusing. With her boss on her honeymoon, Caroline’s working crazy long hours to keep the interior design company running—especially since she’s also the lead designer for the renovation of a gorgeous old hotel on Sausalito. So with her hotshot photographer boyfriend gallivanting all over the world for his job, she and Simon are heavy-duty into “absence makes the heart grow fonder” mode. Neither has any complaints about the great reunion sex, though! Then Simon decides he’s tired of so much travelling, and he’s suddenly home more. A lot more. And wanting Caroline home more, too. Though their friends’ romantic lives provide plenty of welcome distraction, eventually Caroline and Simon have to sort their relationship out. Neither wants “out of sight, out of mind,” but can they create their own happy mid-ground cliché?

USA TODAY bestselling author Alice Clayton delivers another delicious, frothy cocktail of a book, shaking up her characters, stirring in laugh-out-loud humor, and serving sizzling romance straight up!

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Screwdrivered - Alice Clayton

In the third book in the bestselling Cocktail series, a romantic at heart decides that she will not ever, under any circumstances, fall for the engineer next door.

Viv Franklin is a retired Army captain who now designs software programs. She’s also a romance junkie who longs for a knight in shining armor or a cowboy on a wild stallion or a strapping firefighter to sweep her off her feet. Knowing she’s never going to meet her hero by spending all her time behind her keyboard, she uproots her life to move to California, where she meets an actual cowboy. And—sigh—an engineer. But which man is truly Clark Kent and which is her Superman?

A madcap romantic comedy with unforgettable characters and the promise of true love, Screwdrivered has just what you need.

korneliya85 and DeeDeee харесват това мнение

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeНед 26 Яну - 15:17

Предложението ми за превод е поредицата The Poughkeepsie Brotherhood series by Debra Anastasia за сега от нея са издадени само две книги.

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Poughkeepsie -  Debra Anastasia

He counts her smiles every day and night at the train station. And morning and evening, the beautiful commuter acknowledges him—just like she does everyone else on the platform. But Blake Hartt is not like the others . . . he’s homeless. Memories of a broken childhood have robbed him of peace and twisted delusions into his soul. He stays secluded from the sun, sure the world would run from him in the harsh light of day.

Each day, Livia McHugh smiles politely and acknowledges her fellow commuters as she waits for the train to the city. She dismisses this kindness as nothing special, just like her. She’s the same as a million other girls—certainly no one to be cherished. But special or not, she smiles every day, never imagining that someone would rely on the simple gesture as if it were air to breathe.

When the moment comes that Livia must do more than smile, without hesitation she steps into the fray to defend the homeless man. And she's surprised to discover an inexplicable connection with her new friend. After danger subsides, their smiles become conversation. Their words usher in a friendship, which awakens something in each of them. But it’s not long before their bond must prove its strength. Entanglements from the past challenge both their love and their lives.

Blake’s heart beats for Livia’s, even if her hands have to keep its rhythm. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love never fails. Love never fails, right?

In an interwoven tale of unlikely loves and relationships forged by fire, Debra Anastasia takes readers into the darkest corners of human existence, only to show them the radiant power of pure adoration and true sacrifice. Complicated families and confused souls find their way to light in this novel, which manages to be racy, profane, funny, and reverent all at once.

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Return to Poughkeepsie - Debra Anastasia

Beckett Taylor is a murderer. His calling, his craft are destruction and intimidation—whether he wants it that way now or not. He left Poughkeepsie to keep his brothers safe, to keep Eve safe. Set up with happy lives to live, they’re better off without him, right?

But all his willpower crumbles when he hears his brother Blake’s frantic voice on the phone. An unknown enemy has moved in on his old territory, and Livia’s been taken. In an instant, Beckett knows it will take an attack only he and Eve can execute to bring her back. All his self-imposed embargoes are torn to shreds, perhaps along with the new man he’s struggled to become.

“Brother, call Eve. I’ll be there soon.”

In this emotional and action-packed sequel to Poughkeepsie, Debra Anastasia conjures a tale of love at its most raw and ragged. With Beckett and Eve, how could we expect anything less? But even when it’s messy, not magical, true love perseveres. Real love finds a way—for better or for worse until death does part.

Когато се срещаме с дадени хора, те стават част от живота ни. И като станат част от живота ни, започват да се опитват да го променят. И се сърдят, когато не правим това, което те изискват от нас. Понеже всеки си мисли, че знае как другият,трябва да живее живота си, но всъщност никой не знае как трябва да живее своя собствен.

DeeDeee and Чародея харесват това мнение

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Чете : Fan Fiction
Пол : Female
Брой мнения : 526
Регистрация : 22.07.2010

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeВто 28 Яну - 18:17

Моето предложение за превод е поредицата "The Bodyguards" на Cindy Gerard. Състои се от 6 книги.

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To the Edge - Cindy Gerard

Джулиан Кинкейд, дъщеря на богат бизнесмен, е израстнала покрай бодигардове, които следят всяко нейно движение - нещо, което тя мрази. Сега тя е телевизионен репортер и отказва друга платена мутра да я следва наоколо. Не и дори когато започва да получава ужасяващи смъртни заплахи. Не и дори когато бодигардът е тъмният прелъстителен Нолан Гарет.

Трениран от Специалните части, бодигардът Нолан Гарет е нает от бащата на Джулиан, за да я пази. Но от самото начало става ясно, че Джулиан няма да улесни задачата му. Далеч от образа на разглезената принцеса, която той е очаквал, Джулиан е твърда, независима и неустоимо секси. И се бори с него на всяка крачка.

След като преследвачът на Джулиан вдига залога, Нолан трябва да я държи близо до себе си, ако иска да я опази жива. Но близостта й само засилва привличането, което се заражда между тях, привличане, което всеки момент може да избухне в страст...

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To the Limit - Cindy Gerard

Трябваше да бъде лесно.

Мисията на Ийв Гарет: Да намери Тифани Клейборн, дъщерята-купонджийка на Джеръми Клейборн, известен агент по недвижими имоти от Палм Бийч, и да я върне обратно.

Проблемът: Малката разглезена богаташка, която е навършила осемнайсет преди шест месеца, е развила увлечение към сценичните клубове в Палм Бийч, редовно хлътва по не толкова блестящи рок звезди и ги взима на скъпи екскурзийки до Лос Анджелис или Париж за нейна сметка. Само, че този път я няма твърде дълго. И може да е в беда.

Другият й проблем: Някой също така иска Ийв мъртва. Тя си е създала врагове, докато е била агент на Тайните служби. Това е било много отдавна. Но миналото се връща, за да я преследва, докато се надпреварва с времето, за да спаси живота на Тифани, въпреки, че и нейният собствен е в опасност.

Трънът в задника: Тайлър МакКлейн. Бивш любовник, бившо ченге, арогантен и подъл частен детектив също е след Тифани. А МакКлейн е последният мъж, когото Ийв иска да срещне отново. Въпреки, че МакКлейн се появява само, за да й мъти водата, тя няма да се спре преди да намери своя човек - или в този случай - жена.

Мак също има проблем: Въпреки тяхното минало - което той помни като парещо горещо - общо взето той харесва Ийв Гарет. Може би дори повече от харесва. Нещо в нея му е влязло дълбоко под кожата и той не може да го преодолее. Сила, в комбинация със състрадание. Твърдост, в съчетание с уязвимост. Нестандартно чувство за хумор, което го е карало да се смее толкова често, колкото и да ръмжи.

Той не иска да мисли какво може да означава това. Той знае, че за тях няма бъдеще. Той не е добър в дълготрайното обвързване. Но когато разбира, че Ийв е мишена на някакъв луд убиец, той ще направи всичко по силите си, за да я опази жива, докато двамата се надпреварват да спасят Тифани Клейборн.

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To the Brink - Cindy Gerard

Работейки по много деликатни дипломатически мисии, Дарси Прескот е естествена мишена за терористични похищения. Но когато мистериозно е отскубната от улица в Манила една знойна нощ, изчезването на Дарси не е такова, каквото изглежда.

В момента, в който очите на войника от Специалните служби Итън Гарет попадат на Дарси, той знае, че тя ще е жената, за която ще се ожени - и го прави. Но когато бракът им се разпада, Итън така и не се възстановява. Сега, като добре платен бодигард, Итън бързо преминава в бойна готовност, когато научава за изчезването на Дарси и събира спасителен екип.

Проследявайки Дарси по целия път до джунглите на Филипините, Итън знае, че всяко решение, което вземе, може да означава разликата между живота и смъртта. Любовта му към Дарси гори по-силна от всякога. Но когато разбира истинската причина за похищението й, може да е твърде късно да я спаси - или себе си.

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Over the Line - Cindy Gerard

"Сладката бейби Джейн" Пъркинс си е изградила мега-продаваща репутация като любимото лошо момиче на рока. Но нейният образ на момиче, което живее диво и говори малко, не може да я предпази от внезапната доза реалност, която я връхлита когато отчуждената й майка е убита в автомобилна катастрофа. Когато странните съвпадения ескалират в собствения й живот, Джейни се убеждава, че някой наблюдава всеки нейн ход и това не е един от нейните обожаващи фенове.

Откакто е напуснал армията и Рейнджърите преди шест месеца, Джейсън Уилсън се е оставил на произвола на съдбата, воин без война за водене. Сега той е приел първия си цивилен ангажимент за охранителната фирма на негов приятел от армията: да защитава рок дива на нейното турне. Далече от образа на разглезена звезда, Джейни е наистина сладка, скромна и невероятно секси. Тяхното приятелство се превръща във взаимно, горещо желание, но това отвличане на вниманието може да им струва повече от сърцата им.

Въвлечени в дълбините на смъртоносна тайна, те ще се изправят срещу убиец, който става все по-безмилостен с всеки изминал ден и Джейс ще разбере колко точно далеч би отишъл, за да защити взривоопасната страст, която никога не е очаквал.

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Under the Wire - Cindy Gerard

Заради нея, той изгуби всичко...

Мани Ортега е мъж без родина и за това той може да благодари на една жена. Тя беше неговата първа и единствена любов и когато си тръгна тя взе не само сърцето му, но и живота му. Закоравял през годините си като войник в Специалните части и като полицейски служител, Мани е готов за ново начало в охранителната фирма на приятеля му Итън Гарет. Но миналото не е готово да го остави на мира...

За да я предпази...

Лили Кампора никога не си е представяла какво ще се случи с Мани след като си е тръгнала от него през онази нощ в знойната жега на Никарагуа, или как той ще я намрази за това. Седемнайсет години по-късно, Лили знае всичко и трябва да преодолее страха си от яростта на Мани, за да го помоли за помощ. Може би е прекалено много да се надява на прошката му...

Той ще направи всичко...

Хвърлени насред действието на мисията, която ще ги отведе в държава, изпълена с политически и граждански вълнения, Мани и Лили трябва да намерят начин да работят заедно. И сега, насред опасната красота на пейзажа, напомнящ на родината на Мани, страстта ще се разгори още веднъж...

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Into the Dark - Cindy Gerard

Ейми Уолкър преживя ужасни неща, за които не може да говори, докато бе държана като заложница, преди ба бъде спасена от Далас Гарет и братята му от E.D.E.N., Inc. Ейми е решена да остави миналото зад гърба си, но само след като след като получи отговори на въпросите, които я преследват: Защо беше похитена от терористите? Защо майка й е заключена в лудница?

Далас иска Ейми да знае, че може да му вярва. Той е неспособен да й предложи любовта си, но й обещава защитата си, когато тя се впуска да открие истината за себе си и семейството си.

Докато работят по следа, Ейми и Далас се съюзяват с един разследващ журналист и с един малко вероятен съучастник, чийто мотиви са толкова мрачни, колкото и неговото минало. Скоро те затъват до шия в една тайна организация, която извършва екперименти върху контролирането на ума без съгласието на обектите, в която по всичко изглежда, че дядото на Ейми е участвал. Докато безмилостният враг бързо застига Ейми и Далас, те се надпреварат с времето и рискуват живота си, за да разкрият тези престъпления срещу човечеството и споделят страст, която никой от тях не е очаквал.

* Преводът и грешките са си мои

Предложения за превод Vghphf

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Чете : Всичко което ми хване окото :)
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Регистрация : 30.05.2014
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeНед 13 Юли - 19:21

Здравейте, аз бих ви предложила "Училище за вампири" . На пазара има издадени  осем книги , но май издателството няма да ги издаде другите. До колкото знам поредицата е от единайсет книги. Благодаря за вниманието ви  Предложения за превод 1997570614
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСря 25 Мар - 19:33

sineoka1983 написа:
Здравейте, аз бих ви предложила "Училище за вампири" . На пазара има издадени  осем книги , но май издателството няма да ги издаде другите. До колкото знам поредицата е от единайсет книги. Благодаря за вниманието ви  Предложения за превод 1997570614

Доколкото знам по едно време течеше превод по тази поредица в друг форум. Освен това хубаво е да се избере нещо, което не се превежда и не е предвидено да се превежда от българските издателства както беше с поредицата Среднощен ловец. Избра се, започна се превод, хареса се и "Ибис" решиха да издават и сега овече хора могат да се радват на тази поредица Предложения за превод 486223524

Предложения за превод Creeping%252520up%252520on%252520caturday
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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeЧет 26 Мар - 15:29

И от мен нещичко. Поредицата е "In the Company of Killers" на J.A. Redmerski .

Предложения за превод 20559676

Killing Sarai (In the Company of Killers, #1)

Sarai was only fourteen when her mother uprooted her to live in Mexico with a notorious drug lord. Over time she forgot what it was like to live a normal life, but she never let go of her hope to escape the compound where she has been held for the past nine years.

Victor is a cold-blooded assassin who, like Sarai, has known only death and violence since he was a young boy. When Victor arrives at the compound to collect details and payment for a hit, Sarai sees him as her only opportunity for escape. But things don’t go as planned and instead of finding transport back to Tucson, she finds herself free from one dangerous man and caught in the clutches of another.

While on the run, Victor strays from his primal nature as he succumbs to his conscience and resolves to help Sarai. As they grow closer, he finds himself willing to risk everything to keep her alive; even his relationship with his devoted brother and liaison, Niklas, who now like everyone else wants Sarai dead.

As Victor and Sarai slowly build a trust, the differences between them seem to lessen, and an unlikely attraction intensifies. But Victor’s brutal skills and experience may not be enough in the end to save her, as the power she unknowingly holds over him may ultimately be what gets her killed.

This is their story..

Предложения за превод 20559695

Reviving Izabel (In the Company of Killers, #2)

Determined to live a dark life in the company of the assassin who freed her from bondage, Sarai sets out on her own to settle a score with an evil sadist. Unskilled and untrained in the art of killing, the events that unfold leave her hanging precariously on the edge of death when nothing goes as planned.

Sarai’s reckless choices send her on a path she knows she can never turn back from and so she presents Victor with an ultimatum: help her become more like him and give her a fighting chance, or she’ll do it alone no matter the consequences. Knowing that Sarai cannot become what she wants to be overnight, Victor begins to train her and inevitably their complicated relationship heats up.

As Arthur Hamburg’s right-hand man, Willem Stephens, closes in on his crusade to destroy Sarai, she is left with the crushing realization that she may have bitten off more than she can chew. But Sarai, taking on the new and improved role of Izabel Seyfried, still has a set of deadly skills of her own that will prove to be all she needs to secure her place beside Victor.

But there is one test that Izabel must face that has the potential to destroy everything she is working so hard to achieve. One final test that will not only make her question her decision to want this dangerous life, but will make her question everything she has come to trust about Victor Faust.

Предложения за превод 19500066

The Swan & the Jackal (In the Company of Killers, #3)

Fredrik Gustavsson never considered the possibility of love, or that anyone could ever understand or accept his dark and bloody lifestyle—until he met Seraphina, a woman as vicious and blood-thirsty as Fredrik himself. They spent two short but unforgettable years together, full of lust and killing and the darkest kind of love that two people can share.

And then Seraphina was gone.

It’s been six years since Fredrik’s lover and sadistic partner in crime turned his world upside-down. Seraphina went into hiding and has eluded him ever since. Now, he’s getting closer to finding her, and an innocent woman named Cassia is the key to drawing Seraphina from the shadows. But Cassia—after sustaining injuries from a fire that Seraphina ignited—suffers from amnesia and can’t give Fredrik the information he desperately seeks. Having no other choice, Fredrik has been keeping Cassia locked in his basement as he not only tries to get her to recall her past—because she and Seraphina share it—but also to protect her from Seraphina, who clearly wants her dead.

But Cassia is a light in the darkness that Fredrik never believed existed. After a year subjected to her kindness and compassion, he finds himself struggling with his love for Seraphina, and his growing feelings for Cassia—because he knows that to love one, the other must die.

Will light win out over darkness, or will something more powerful than either further destroy an already tortured soul?

Предложения за превод 23292460

Seeds of Iniquity (In the Company of Killers, #4)

Victor Faust’s new Order is growing. Business is good as there is no rest for the wicked in an underground world of hardcore criminals and contract killing. Relationships among the operatives have changed little over the past year—but things are about to change now, and all six high-ranking members of the new Order will be blindsided by an unlikely enemy.

Loved ones whose only ties to Victor’s organization are their relationships with its members, are abducted. The price to get them back safely—the six must confess their deepest, darkest secret to this mysterious young woman named Nora, who is as deadly as she is beautiful, and who seems to know more about each of them than they know about each other. And although no one has any clue about who Nora really is, it becomes clear that she also isn’t who she appears to be.

So much more is at stake than secrets and the lives of innocent loved ones; with each member that Nora forces to confess, the truth about their dark pasts and their present objectives will cast suspicion, pit some against each other, and may tear others apart.

Before the game is over everyone will know who this woman is and why she is here, but the damage she will leave in her wake could be the beginning of the new Order’s destruction.

Whose dark secret will be the darkest of all? And can Victor’s Order survive any of them?

The Black Wolf (In the Company of Killers, #5)

Очаква се да излезе тази година,но все още няма точна дата и корица.

Since devastating secrets were uncovered by Nora Kessler weeks ago, Niklas has avoided Victor’s new Order. But after hunting him down, Izabel convinces Niklas to accompany her and Nora on a mission—he sees it as an opportunity to set in motion either forgiveness, or retribution, for his brother’s betrayal.

The mission to Italy to kidnap a beautiful, notorious madam named Francesca Moretti, isn’t too different from what Niklas has done in the past: play a role on the inside and play it well, or die. But this time he won’t be alone and the risks much higher: Izabel, still fresh out of a life of imprisonment and sex slavery, could be negatively affected by the things she will see in Moretti’s mansion. Niklas must keep her in line, while at the same time, play the role of a wealthy German investor visiting Moretti’s estate to purchase for himself a new slave—the daughter of Victor’s client—and free her from captivity.

But Niklas isn’t the only one who must play a role—Nora goes as Niklas’ slave, and Izabel must play the role of his lover.

While Izabel fights to prove that she can pull this mission off regardless of the things she’ll be forced to see—and do—a volatile sexual relationship begins to burn between Niklas and Nora. And an even more dangerous one between Niklas and Francesca Moretti.

On one hand, Niklas couldn’t be enjoying himself more. On the other hand, the emotions that continue to stir inside of him may be too much for him to control, and it may be him—not Izabel—who needs to be kept in line. He cannot forget what Victor has done. And this mission may just be the beginning of Niklas’ downward spiral.

Can the blood bond Niklas and Victor share as brothers be stronger than hatred? Or will vengeance dig the blade so deep that their bond be eternally severed?

Предложения за превод I5ojk3
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Брой мнения : 377
Регистрация : 30.04.2013

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeНед 29 Мар - 23:18

Предлагам една много дълга поредица на Cherry Adair, от която съм чела само втора книга (описвам с няколко думи: екшън, секс, смях, сладък послевкус!!!!), но съдейки по нея си мисля, че и всички останали ще са страхотни... За съжаление имам проблем с качването на кориците, затова само резюметата засега:

"The Mercenary" (T-FLAC, 1) - "Victoria Jones was a lousy liar. Not that the sensible bookkeeper was accustomed to lying or anything else that would have disrupted her safe, dull existence. But her world took a terrifying turn when her twin brother, Alex, an agent for T-FLAC, the elite antiterrorist task force, went missing. Now she'll do anything to find him... lie, cheat, even subject herself to the predatory advances of Alex's T-FLAC partner, Marc Savin, if it will help get her brother home safe.
But trusting the sexy, brooding operative might just be the risk of a lifetime."

"Kiss and Tell" (T-FLAC, 2) - "Marnie Wright has seen more than her fair share of testosterone, having grown up with four overprotective brothers. But now a longhaired mountain man named Jake Dolan has invaded Marnie's peaceful day of soul-searching at her grandmother's old cabin. Sure, she was trespassing on his property, but did he have to pull a gun on her? After being stashed in his secret underground lair-complete with security monitors and a huge arsenal-Marnie realizes that the guy is military, top secret military. Yet he also has the most beautiful mouth she has ever seen.
The last thing Jake wants in his dangerous life is a woman. He doesn't like them and doesn't need them. Still, a man would have to be dead not to fall for the sexy-as-sin Marnie Wright. But how can Jake have feelings for someone who may be killed just for being close to him? His days, after all, are numbered. . . ."

"Hide and Seek" (T-FLAC, 3) - "A steamy, heart-stopping thrill ride through the jungle as a woman living a lie is forced to trust the one man who can expose her secrets. . ."
Posing as the spoiled girlfriend of an international crimelord, Delanie Eastman braves a remote mountain in South America to find her missing sister. The last person she expects to see is Kyle Wright, the man she had a torrid affair with four years ago. What is he doing so far from home? Though frightened and suspicious of this man who is not what he seems, Delanie cannot resist the dangerous attraction that draws her ever closer to him like a moth to flame.
Kyle is in the middle of his own secret mission and he's not about to let the gorgeous, unpredictable Delanie ruin his carefully laid plans. He will guide Delanie out of the jungle by any means necessary-including seduction. But just one touch is all it takes to rekindle the intoxicating flame that still burns between them, igniting an arsenal of desire that could cost them their lives. For soon both are on the run, playing a lethal game of . . . "

"In Too Deep" (T-FLAC, 4) - "Beauty can be deceiving. . . .
Tally Cruise has come to Paradise Island for a long-awaited reunion with the father she never knew. But when she arrives, he is nowhere to be found. Still, she is so thrilled by the seductive beauty of the island that she doesn't see the danger boiling right below the surface-until a mysterious explosion nearly kills her. She is rescued by an enigmatic man whose intensity is as undeniable as his sex appeal . . . a mysterious stranger who is not what he seems.
Michael Wright is on Paradise Island to settle an old score with Tally's father, the man responsible for the accident that ended his Navy SEAL career . . . and killed his best friend. But even though he hopes to use Tally to reach his target, Michael cannot deny the deep feelings she inspires within him, or the fact that her life is in serious danger. Paradise Island is a place full of hidden intrigue and peril, as deadly as it is beautiful, and Michael will need every skill he learned as a SEAL to ensure that he and Tally escape alive. . . ."

"Out of Sight" (T-FLAC, 5) - "Sometimes chemistry is a matter of life and death."
Though her confidence is badly shaken by a training accident, A. J. Cooper vows to become an excellent T-FLAC operative. She is everything the antiterrorist agency looks for she's smart, resourceful, and a crack shot. Eager to prove herself to her instructor, the highly regarded Kane Wright, A. J. takes on a difficult and potentially deadly assignment. A success in the field could be just the thing she needs to make her career with the agency and working so closely with the extraordinary and irresistibly sexy Kane is a fantasy come to life.
Kane Wright is a master of disguise, hiding his powerful attraction for A. J. in the name of professionalism. But when she doesn't bounce back quickly after her accident, Kane's desire becomes concern. In the field, even a moment's hesitation can turn a routine operation into a deadly one. With A. J. taking a lead position in this mission, Kane knows he won't be able to take his eyes off his gorgeous tomboy trainee. Under the hot desert sun, even as they struggle to unravel a madman's devious plot, their long denied passion will finally boil over. . . ."

"On Thin Ice" (T-FLAC, 6) - "Lily Munroe thought she had married an honest, dependable man, but she was painfully mistaken. It didn’t take long for her once-loving husband to become a secretive stranger–mixing with shady people and even shadier dealings. Although Lily nursed him through a sudden terminal illness, her marriage was over long before he passed away. During that difficult time, only her passion for the exhilarating Iditarod race across Alaska gave her something to look forward to–and she channeled her emotions into training dogs for the grueling event. Now single again, she’s more determined than ever to win the race, awaken her sense of self, and leave her past behind.
In the competition, the person to beat is two-time winner Derek Wright, a man Lily dubs Mr. Wrong. Extremely sexy and devilishly charming, Derek is the consummate playboy. Or is he? Although Lily can’t deny her intense attraction, she believes he is dangerous to her scarred heart. Little does she know that Derek is an elite antiterrorism agent–or how desperately she’ll need to depend on his skills to keep her alive once the race is under way."

"Hot Ice" (T-FLAC, 7) - "Diamonds–jewels of every kind, in fact–are Taylor Kincaid’s best friends. The only thing she enjoys more is the challenge of stealing them, at which she excels like few others in the world. And specializing in plundering precious stones from wealthy international criminals just makes it all the more satisfying . . . and dangerously exciting. So for Taylor, there’s no resisting the double allure of snatching the elusive Blue Star diamonds–a prize she has pursued across three continents–from the South American stronghold of the murderous Morales terrorist organization.
The heist goes down without a hitch. Until Taylor discovers she has made off with more than she bargained for, namely the secret security-system codes that provide access to a South African diamond mine–packed with enough gems to sink a battleship. Suddenly, Taylor’s no longer just an ultrachic freelance jewel thief, but a reluctant player in a high-stakes cat-and-mouse game against elite global trouble-shooters and bloodthirsty terrorists.
There’s nothing reluctant, however, about Huntington St. John, the top T-FLAC operative who’s hot on Taylor’s trail. And in Taylor’s opinion, just plain hot. The feeling, emotional and otherwise, is very mutual. Though they’re on opposite sides of the law, Hunt and Taylor swiftly come to appreciate each other’s well-honed skills. But since ecstasy is fleeting, and diamonds are forever, Taylor soon slips from the sheets and hits the streets . . . to reclaim the jewels she stashed overseas. And true to his name, Hunt is close behind–but this time, he’s after more than the codes. With the clock ticking, and two groups of terrorists closing fast, they’ll have to mix pleasure with some very risky business. If they can survive danger at every turn, outwit the ultimate high-tech security system, and somehow conquer each other . . . they just might get everything they desire."

"Edge of Danger" (T-FLAC, 8) - "Even the deepest peril couldn't keep him away from her.
As an anti-terrorism operative in T-FLAC's classified paranormal unit, the intrepid, ruggedly handsome Gabriel Edge protects the world from the forces of evil. So when an ingenious and extremely volatile invention is stolen from a covert lab in Arizona, Gabriel zeroes in on the brilliant young scientist who helped to create the device. From Gabriel's first contact, Eden Cahill leaves an indelible impression.
Using a mysterious telepathic power as ancient as his Scottish heritage, as well as his seductive physical charms, Gabriel must infiltrate Eden's mind to uncover the secrets she so desperately protects. But Gabriel is in a bind-for the only way to penetrate Eden's memories is through one shared intimate encounter that will trigger revelations, shatter lives, and just might save humanity-all at a terribly steep price."

"Edge Of Fear" (T-FLAC, 9) - "He would rewrite the past to save the woman he loves.
The fearless Caleb Edge is one of three brothers assigned to the top-secret paranormal unit of an elite counterterrorism group. As a prized T-FLAC agent, Caleb uses his special mystical gifts to rewind history, halt evil in its tracks, and protect innocent people . . . like Heather Shaw.
The beautiful daughter of a terrorism financier, Heather watched her father brutally murder her mother. Now, to escape his clutches, Heather begins a new life, far from the realm of power and privilege in which she grew up. On the hunt for Heather’s father, Caleb hopes that Heather can lead him to his target, and he’ll do anything to achieve his objective –even if it means using his striking good looks to his advantage. But in the face of malevolent forces, Caleb doesn’t anticipate a burning conflict between duty and desire, or that he might have to use his power to turn back time–not for justice, but for love."

"Edge of Darkness" (T-FLAC, 10) - "There was magic between them, along with undeniable passion.
An anti-terrorism agent with a warrior's body and a magnetic smile, Duncan Edge is working for T-FLAC's special paranormal unit, on a mission to halt a lethal terrorist cell. Along the way, Duncan crosses paths with Serena Campbell, a woman of dazzling wizardry and astonishing beauty. Yet Serena will marshal every ounce of her energy, charms, and smarts to steer clear of Duncan, whose flirty yet disastrous childhood antics left her with a longstanding grudge.
Yet separation is near impossible: Duncan suspects that Serena is being unwittingly used by terrorists for a vast, murderous undertaking. Now Duncan and Serena, charged with an ever-growing burning desire, need to set aside the past and their prejudices. In their paranormal world, a dangerous force gathers strength. Time is running out for two people who must enter the darkness together and hope there's light on the other side.
Name: Duncan Edge
Languages: Greek, American sign, Arabic, German, Russian
Marital status: Cursed. Will never marry
Current Mission: Edge Of Darkness
DOB: 1973
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'
Hair: Dark"

"White Heat" (T-FLAC, 11) - "Professional art restorer Emily Greene is in no mood to see the devil-may-care Max Aries. She hasn’t forgotten–or forgiven–the way Max dropped into her life a year ago, stole her heart, then vanished without a word. Max hadn’t kept in touch with his father, Daniel, either. Daniel Aries had been a master of art restoration and reproduction, and not only Emily’s longtime mentor, but a trusted friend. His unexpected suicide devastates her. And when the prodigal playboy Max returns, her welcome is less than warm–even though his timely arrival in her bedroom saves her from a lethal intruder. But her fury gives way to fear when Max reveals that his father’s death was actually murder . . . and that Emily’s life is now in danger. Like it or not, to stay alive, Emily must put herself in Max’s hands. And once upon a time, that wasn’t such a bad place to be.
But what killer would target professional restorers of Renaissance artworks? Max suspects that a pencil sketch found in his father’s studio, inscribed with a cryptic code, may hold the key. His hunch is confirmed when intel from his control at the counterterrorist organization T-FLAC reveals that the Black Rose terror cell is involved–a chilling revelation that elevates the threat level almost as high as the tension that’s bristling between Max and Emily. Max isn’t about to take his eyes off Emily–though only partly for professional reasons–and even Emily’s rage over Max’s take-charge attitude can’t compare to her anger at herself for so long denying the truer, deeper feelings she has for him. As they crisscross Europe, piecing together the shocking clues to an insidious international plot, dodging increasingly lethal traps, and passionately making up for too much lost time, they realize that–in more ways than one–they can’t live without each other. With no chance of turning back, Max and Emily must put their lives on the line, put their true feelings to the test . . . and get ready to take the heat."

"Night Fall" (T-FLAC, 12) - "T-FLAC/psi operative Simon Blackthorne goes to Africa to continue the global war against paranormal terror–never expecting to clash swords with strong-willed Kess Goodall.
Kess struggles in her own desperate battle to unravel a deadly secret that has killed millions in the tiny country of Mallaruza. But Simon proves to be the ultimate distraction: his very presence takes her body to the edge of a pleasure-filled abyss, his touch superbly rapturous. Now, against a backdrop of staggering beauty and horrific violence, with danger at every turn and libidos in overdrive, a spirited woman and an indomitable wizard face a malevolent force more frightening than both can imagine.
Battling foes strong and numerous, Kess and Simon must forge a bond strong enough so that they can eliminate a sadistic enemy before Mallaruza is lost to terrorist control and the world is forever changed."

"Night Secrets" (T-FLAC, 13) - "From the New York Times-bestselling author of White Heat comes the sizzling sequel to Night Fall, in the new back-to-back trilogy featuring three devastatingly sexy secret agents of the anti-terror T-FLAC organization, who use paranormal powers to combat evil. Original." (тази е за Sydney McBridе и Lucas Fox)

"Night Shadow" (T-FLAC, 14) - "Aside from working for the international anti-terrorism agency T-FLAC (and having the same last name), Lexi Stone and Alex Stone are polar opposites, right down to Lexi’s mere mortality and Alex’s paranormal powers. While straight-arrow Lexi pushes paper at an Internal Affairs desk, renegade Alex is busy pushing the envelope as he pursues the most dangerous global criminals. And though Lexi disdains his rule-breaking bravado and cowboy tactics, she can’t deny Alex’s skills when it comes to getting his man (not to mention any number of women)–just as she can’t ignore how his roguish charm makes her heart race and her temperature rise.
But Lexi’s secret desires clash head-on with her duties when suspicions arise that Alex is poised to switch sides–and join forces with a European terrorist cell. Tapped for her first field mission, Lexi finds herself assigned to shadow Alex’s every move, and if necessary, terminate him. Despite her feelings, Lexi’s willing and able to carry out her orders, as long there’s proof that Alex is a traitor. But getting the goods–and the drop–on her superagent quarry becomes an even tougher task when Lexi and Alex suddenly find themselves partners on an emergency mission in Russia.
When terrorists seize a busy Moscow railway station for ransom, then abruptly massacre their hostages and vanish into thin air, the agents realize they’re facing adversaries possessing of the same paranormal abilities as Alex’s elite T-FLAC/psi unit. But after Lexi kills an armed suspect during a breathless rooftop chase, she makes a series of shocking discoveries about the enemy T-FLAC is facing, the troubling truth Alex has been concealing, and the terrifying plot of a treacherous mastermind that could spell the downfall of T-FLAC’s most powerful and valued operatives. To save precious lives and stop the rise of a superhuman terrorist threat, Lexi and Alex must work as a well-oiled team in a race across the globe–and against time–with lethal shadows looming behind them, and no one to trust but each other."

"Ice Cold" (T-FLAC, 15) - "T-FLAC operative Rafael Navarro will never allow another woman to suffer the consequences of his dangerous life. But in a world where a terrorist can do more damage with a keyboard than a bomb, he needs the expert help of a cyber-geek. And fast.
Fellow operative, and cybercrimes specialist Honey Winston prefers computers to people. But when a serial bomber threatens the wor ..."

Засега са излезли тези 15 книги заедно с няколко половинки, които не съм включила... нека да не бъдем алчни! 😉

P.S. Желаещ да добави кориците?
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Чете : Всичко
Пол : Female
Зодия : Virgo
Брой мнения : 514
Регистрация : 29.07.2014

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСъб 9 Май - 13:15

Моето предложение за превод е The Sweet Trilogy от Wendy Higgins.

Sweet Evil (The Sweet Trilogy #1)
Предложения за превод 11808950
Embrace the Forbidden
What if there were teens whose lives literally depended on being bad influences?
This is the reality for sons and daughters of fallen angels.
Tenderhearted Southern girl Anna Whitt was born with the sixth sense to see and feel emotions of other people. She's aware of a struggle within herself, an inexplicable pull toward danger, but it isn't until she turns sixteen and meets the alluring Kaidan Rowe that she discovers her terrifying heritage and her willpower is put to the test. He's the boy your daddy warned you about. If only someone had warned Anna.
Forced to face her destiny, will Anna embrace her halo or her horns?

Sweet Peril (The Sweet Trilogy #2)
Предложения за превод 15768191
Anna Whitt, the daughter of a guardian angel and a demon, promised herself she’d never do the work of her father—polluting souls. She’d been naive to make such a vow. She’d been naive about a lot of things.
Haunted by demon whisperers, Anna does whatever she can to survive, even if it means embracing her dark side and earning an unwanted reputation as her school’s party girl. Her life has never looked more bleak. And all the while there’s Kaidan Rowe, son of the Duke of Lust, plaguing her heart and mind.
When an unexpected lost message from the angels surfaces, Anna finds herself traveling the globe with Kopano, son of Wrath, in an attempt to gain support of fellow Nephilim and give them hope for the first time. It soon becomes clear that whatever freedoms Anna and the rest of the Neph are hoping to win will not be gained without a fight. Until then, Anna and Kaidan must put aside the issues between them, overcome the steamiest of temptations yet, and face the ultimate question: is loving someone worth risking their life?

Sweet Reckoning (The Sweet Trilogy #3)
Предложения за превод 16007855
It’s time.
Evil is running rampant and sweet Anna Whitt is its target. Nobody knows when or how the Dukes will strike, but Anna and her Nephilim allies will do anything necessary to rid the earth of the demons and their oppressive ways.
The stakes are higher than ever, and Anna is determined that the love she feels will be her strength, not a liability. But trying to protect the ones she loves while running for her life and battling demonic forces proves to be perilous—especially as faces are changing and trust is fleeting. When the Duke of Lust sends Anna’s great love, Kaidan Rowe, to work against her, Anna must decide how much she’s prepared to risk.
In the most sensual and fast-paced installment yet, Sweet Reckoning brings all the beloved Neph together one last time to fight for their freedom.

Sweet Temptation (The Sweet Trilogy #4)
Предложения за превод 22428712
Bad boy Kaidan Rowe has never wanted for anything—money, popularity, musical talent…hot girls—but seducing them is part of his duty as a Nephilim, slave to the demon Dukes. As the son of the Duke of Lust, Kaidan has learned his father’s ways, becoming a master of passion, a manipulator of chemistry. Disobeying his father would mean certain death. Thankfully for Kaidan, he’s good at his job. And he enjoys it.
Until he meets Anna Whitt—sweet, smart, feisty, and inexplicably good—the one girl seemingly immune to his charms. The daughter of a guardian angel and a fallen one, she has a certain power over him, one that makes him wish for more than he could ever deserve.
Determined to save all the Neph from their dark lives as the influencers of sin, Anna joins forces with Kaidan to overcome the demons’ oppressive ways. In the light of her affections, Kaidan must undergo his toughest test of all, a battle of the heart.
Sensual and swoon worthy, this companion volume to the acclaimed Sweet Evil series from New York Times bestselling author Wendy Higgins, told from the perspective of the irresistibly sexy and mysterious Kaidan Rowe, gives readers revealing insights into his struggle, his intense connection to Anna, and most of all, the true emotions that drive him.
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Чете : Всичко
Пол : Female
Зодия : Virgo
Брой мнения : 514
Регистрация : 29.07.2014

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСъб 9 Май - 13:28

Може ли да се дава повече от едно предложение?
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Пол : Female
Зодия : Cancer
Брой мнения : 5610
Регистрация : 15.07.2010
Местожителство : Discworld

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСъб 9 Май - 15:37

nmk_262 написа:
Може ли да се дава повече от едно предложение?

В условието няма ограничение.

Love me if you can, hate me if you dare!
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Чете : Всичко
Пол : Female
Зодия : Virgo
Брой мнения : 514
Регистрация : 29.07.2014

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeНед 10 Май - 12:48

Осей, след като няма ограничения, и ако не е проблем, искам да дам още няколко предложения.

1. Поредицата Losing it от Cora Carmack
Losing It (Losing It #1)
Предложения за превод 16034964
Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, Bliss Edwards decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible - a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if that weren't embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theatre professor. She'd left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.

Faking It (Losing It #2)
Предложения за превод 16172634
Mackenzie “Max” Miller has a problem. Her parents have arrived in town for a surprise visit, and if they see her dyed hair, tattoos, and piercings, they just might disown her. Even worse, they’re expecting to meet a nice, wholesome boyfriend, not a guy named Mace who has a neck tattoo and plays in a band. All her lies are about to come crashing down around her, but then she meets Cade.
Cade moved to Philadelphia to act and to leave his problems behind in Texas. So far though, he’s kept the problems and had very little opportunity to take the stage. When Max approaches him in a coffee shop with a crazy request to pretend to be her boyfriend, he agrees to play the part. But when Cade plays the role a little too well, they’re forced to keep the ruse going. And the more they fake the relationship, the more real it begins to feel.

Finding It (Losing It #3)
Предложения за превод 16172638
Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find where you truly belong...
Most girls would kill to spend months traveling around Europe after college graduation with no responsibility, no parents, and no-limit credit cards. Kelsey Summers is no exception. She's having the time of her life . . . or that's what she keeps telling herself.
It's a lonely business trying to find out who you are, especially when you're afraid you won't like what you discover. No amount of drinking or dancing can chase away Kelsey's loneliness, but maybe Jackson Hunt can. After a few chance meetings, he convinces her to take a journey of adventure instead of alcohol. With each new city and experience, Kelsey's mind becomes a little clearer and her heart a little less hers. Jackson helps her unravel her own dreams and desires. But the more she learns about herself, the more Kelsey realizes how little she knows about Jackson.

Към тази поредица има и няколко новели.
Keeping Her (Losing It #1.5)
Предложения за превод 17824638
Garrick Taylor and Bliss Edwards managed to find their happily-ever-after despite a rather . . . ahem . . . complicated start. By comparison, meeting the parents should be an absolute breeze, right?
But from the moment the pair lands in London, new snags just keep cropping up: a disapproving mother-in-law-to-be, more than one (mostly) minor mishap, and the realization that perhaps they aren't quite as ready for their future as they thought.
As it turns out, the only thing harder than finding love is keeping it.

Inking Him (Losing It #1.6)
Предложения за превод 22044913
Garrick/Bliss Short Story.

Seeking Her (Losing It #3.5)
Предложения за превод 17873497
A few months after being honorably discharged from the military, Jackson Hunt is still struggling to adjust back to the real world. He needs to get a job and find a sense of normalcy if he’s going to keep his own demons at bay. The job that falls into his lap, though, is anything but normal.
Bodyguard (and baby-sitter) to spoiled-rich-girl Kelsey Summers isn’t exactly what he’d been looking for, but it’s a chance to travel, to get away from the home that has felt stifling ever since his return. It would be a pretty sweet gig if it weren’t for the fact that Kelsey’s father doesn’t want Kelsey to know she’s being followed. Hunt feels guilty (and a little bit creepy) as he watches her from afar. She’s vibrant and infuriating, exciting and reckless, mysterious and familiar. When he sees her falling into the same patterns that he suffered years ago, he decides it’s time to stop watching and help her instead. But getting to know her is more difficult than he thought, especially because the more he knows her, the more he wants her.

2. Второто ми предложение е продължение на превода на поредицата Среднощен ловец от Джанин Фрост.

This Side of the Grave (Night Huntress #5)
Предложения за превод 6871617
Опасността дебне от двете страни на гроба.
Полу-вампирът Кат Крауфийлд и вампирският й съпруг Боунс са се борили за живота си така, както и за връзката си. Но точно докато триумфират след последната си битка, новите и неочаквани способности на Кат заплашват да развалят дълго устоелият баланс...
С мистериозните изчезвания на вампири, започват слухове за нарастваща опасност от междувидова война. Един фанатик насажда напрежение между вампири и гули и ако тези две мощни раси се сблъскат, невинните смъртни ще бъдат въвлечени в щетите. Сега Кат и Боунс са принудени да потърсят помощ от опасен съюзник - самата кралица-гул в Ню Орлеанс. Но цената на нейното съдействие може да се окаже дори по-застрашаваща от заплахата на свръхестествената война... да кажем нищо, което Кат някога е можела да си представи.

One Grave at a Time (Night Huntress #6)
Предложения за превод 7954556
След като наскоро са потушили една световна война за подземния свят, Кат Кроуфийлд не иска нищо друго, освен да разполага с малко време за своя вампирски съпруг, Боунс.
За съжаление дарът й от вуду кралицата на Ню Орлиънс продължава да се проявява - водейки до лична услуга, която отново ги въвлича в битка, този път срещу призрак злодей.
Преди столетия Хайнрих Крамър е бил ловец на вещици. Сега на всеки Вси Светий той заема телесна форма, за да измъчва невинни жени, преди да ги изгори живи. Тази година решителните Кат и Боунс трябва да рискуват всичко, за да го изпратят от другата страна на вечността - завинаги.
Но една грешна стъпка и сами ще си копаят гроба...

Up From the Grave (Night Huntress #7)
Предложения за превод 10357792
Винаги има още един гроб за копане...
Напоследък животът е необичайно спокоен за Кат Крауфийлд и любимият й Боунс. Би трябвало да знаят по-добре и да не отпускат гарда, понеже шокиращи разкрития ги запращат обратно насред екшъна в спирането на мащабна война, застрашаваща разкритието на свръхестествения свят.
Замесен е и ЦРУ агент с ужасяващи тайни занимания, които заплашват да надигнат нивата на напрежение между живите и неживите до опасни височини.
Сега Кат и Боунс ще се окажат в надпревара с времето, за да спасят свой приятел от съдба, по-страховита и от самата смърт... защото колкото повече тайни разбулват, толкова по-смъртоносни са последствията... А ако се провалят, животът им - както и животът на онези, които обичат - ще закръжи на ръба на гроба...

Към поредицата има и доста новели и ако искате, ще постна и техните резюмета и корици.

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Пол : Female
Зодия : Virgo
Брой мнения : 1365
Регистрация : 28.09.2013

Предложения за превод Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСря 27 Май - 13:21

Тъй като поредицата, която предложих в началото взеха, че я издадоха, ако ми позволите ще дам друго предложение. Това е поредичка, на която попаднах съвсем скоро и мисля, че ще е интересна.

Предложения за превод 25156004LfbrXcN

Предложения за превод Valorous14007sFJ8p7

Предложения за превод Victorious14002kSuIiu

He’s a sexual dominant. She’s sworn off sex. There’s no way they can make a relationship work—or can they?

After surviving a traumatic event at age fifteen and the ensuing estrangement from her family, Natalie Bryant has worked for years to reinvent herself into the woman she is today—a happy teacher fresh out of college and enjoying her first winter in New York City with her faithful dog, Fluff, by her side. Natalie isn’t expecting her life to change completely during a routine stroll through Greenwich Village on a blustery January day. But when Fluff breaks loose and charges into a park, Natalie gives chase and crashes into her destiny. Only after Fluff bites and draws blood from the man who accidentally knocked Natalie down does she realize Fluff has bitten the biggest movie star in the world.

He has no business being enthralled by the gorgeous, young, innocent teacher…
Natalie captivates Flynn Godfrey from the first moment their eyes meet while she is lying on the ground and he’s fighting off her ferocious little beast of a dog. The only thing Flynn knows for certain is if he lets Natalie get away, he’ll regret it for the rest of his life. After only a short time in her presence, Flynn is prepared to change who he is to be what she needs. He knows he’s in big trouble when she says she won’t sleep with him and he doesn’t care if it means he gets to keep her in his life. But can he turn his back on the lifestyle that has defined him? Can he deny the desires that drive him to give Natalie the introduction to love and romance she so deserves? And most of all, can he keep his truth hidden from her long enough to have forever with her?

Join Flynn and Natalie as their story unfolds in three full-length books released three weeks in a row: VIRTUOUS, VALOROUS and VICTORIOUS. From New York to Los Angeles, from Hollywood to Las Vegas, Flynn and Natalie’s whirlwind love affair has it all—romance, passion, steamy hot sex, relentless paparazzi and a murder that could be their undoing.

If you hate dirty-talking heroes who put it all on the line for the women they love, who leave no desire unfulfilled, who will do anything it takes to protect what’s theirs…If elements of BDSM make you queasy, if smoking hot sex isn’t your thing, if cliffhangers make you rage, if you hate first-person points of view from the heroine AND the hero... this trilogy is NOT for you! You’ve been warned…

Резюмето към трите книги е едно и също, затова съм го поставила така.
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Брой мнения : 34
Регистрация : 31.01.2015

Предложения за превод Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeПет 12 Юни - 18:14

Ема Чейс (Emma Chase)

By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother who resides in a small town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.

Поредица Legal Briefs
(книга първа)

01. Overruled

A Washington, DC, defense attorney, Stanton Shaw keeps his head cool, his questions sharp, and his arguments irrefutable. They don't call him the Jury Charmer for nothing — with his southern drawl, disarming smile, and captivating green eyes, he's a hard man to say no to. Men want to be him, and women want to be thoroughly cross examined by him.

Stanton's a man with a plan. And for a while, life was going according to that plan.

Until the day he receives an invitation to the wedding of his high school sweetheart, the mother of his beloved ten-year-old daughter. Jenny is getting married — to someone who isn't him.

That's definitely not part of the plan.

* * *

Sofia Santos is a city-raised, no-nonsense litigator who plans to become the most revered criminal defense attorney in the country. She doesn't have time for relationships or distractions.

But when Stanton, her “friend with mind-blowing benefits,” begs her for help, she finds herself out of her element, out of her depth, and obviously out of her mind. Because she agrees to go with him to The-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Mississippi, to do all she can to help Stanton win back the woman he loves. Her head tells her she's crazy… and her heart says something else entirely.

What happens when you mix a one-stop-light town, two professional arguers, a homecoming queen, four big brothers, some Jimmy Dean sausage, and a gun-toting Nana?

The Bourbon flows, passions rise, and even the best-laid plans get overruled by the desires of the heart.

Поредица Tangled
(книга първа и новела) (книга втора) (книга трета) (книга четвърта)

01. Tangled

01.5 Holy Frigging Matrimony

02. Twisted

03. Tamed

04. Tied
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Брой мнения : 34
Регистрация : 31.01.2015

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeПет 12 Юни - 18:17

Dagger's Hope (The Alliance #3) – S. E. Smith

Автор: S. E. Smith  

   Dagger is a Trivator warrior. He is known for his dark and dangerous edge, making him the perfect warrior for impossible missions. He fears nothing, until he meets a young, delicate human female who wakens his heart. Her gentle touch, soft voice, and her shy sense of humor touch him in a way he never thought could happen. The thought of anything harming something so beautiful and fragile fills him with terror.
 Jordan Sampson is slowly adjusting to her new life on a strange planet far away from war-torn Earth. She had been seventeen when she was brought to the Trivator’s home world of Rathon along with her older sister, Jesse, and younger sister, Taylor. Fear, confusion, and uncertainty of what the future holds threaten to drown her as she tries to fit in. There is only one hope that keeps her going. It is the handsome alien male that stirs something deep inside her and makes her feel whole.
 When Dagger is captured during a mission and sold to the illegal Fight Rings, it is only the memory of Jordan that keeps him going. Time blurs as he slowly sinks deeper and deeper into a world of violence and pain until he becomes more animal than Trivator.
 Jordan knows Dagger is out there, somewhere. She can feel him in her heart. The heart she gave to him the first time he held her protectively in his arms. When she discovers where he is being held, she refuses to let anything stop her from rescuing him. What Jordan doesn’t realize is that she has been Dagger’s hope during his captivity. The one thing that holds the thin thread to his sanity.
 The fight to save Dagger takes Jordan on a journey that she hopes they both survive. The star system is a dangerous place for a young human female and a damaged Trivator warrior. Can Jordan reach Dagger in time, and if she does, can she heal his shattered soul?

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Пол : Female
Брой мнения : 377
Регистрация : 30.04.2013

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСъб 13 Юни - 13:43

jekadi0246 написа:
Ема Чейс (Emma Chase)

By day, Emma Chase is a devoted wife and mother who resides in a small town in New Jersey. By night she is a keyboard crusader, toiling away the hours to bring her colorful characters and their endless antics to life. She has a long standing love/hate relationship with caffeine.

Emma is an avid reader. Before her children were born she was known to consume whole books in a single day. Writing has also always been a passion and with the 2013 release of her debut romantic comedy, Tangled, the ability to now call herself an author is nothing less than a dream come true.

Поредица Legal Briefs
(книга първа)

01. Overruled

A Washington, DC, defense attorney, Stanton Shaw keeps his head cool, his questions sharp, and his arguments irrefutable. They don't call him the Jury Charmer for nothing — with his southern drawl, disarming smile, and captivating green eyes, he's a hard man to say no to. Men want to be him, and women want to be thoroughly cross examined by him.

Stanton's a man with a plan. And for a while, life was going according to that plan.

Until the day he receives an invitation to the wedding of his high school sweetheart, the mother of his beloved ten-year-old daughter. Jenny is getting married — to someone who isn't him.

That's definitely not part of the plan.

* * *

Sofia Santos is a city-raised, no-nonsense litigator who plans to become the most revered criminal defense attorney in the country. She doesn't have time for relationships or distractions.

But when Stanton, her “friend with mind-blowing benefits,” begs her for help, she finds herself out of her element, out of her depth, and obviously out of her mind. Because she agrees to go with him to The-Middle-Of-Nowhere, Mississippi, to do all she can to help Stanton win back the woman he loves. Her head tells her she's crazy… and her heart says something else entirely.

What happens when you mix a one-stop-light town, two professional arguers, a homecoming queen, four big brothers, some Jimmy Dean sausage, and a gun-toting Nana?

The Bourbon flows, passions rise, and even the best-laid plans get overruled by the desires of the heart.

Поредица Tangled
(книга първа и новела) (книга втора) (книга трета) (книга четвърта)

01. Tangled

01.5 Holy Frigging Matrimony

02. Twisted

03. Tamed

04. Tied

"Егмонт" превеждат и издават тази поредица на Ема: http://www.goodreads.com/series/104332-tangled. Може и на другата да хвърлят око, когато я приключат.
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Чете : Винаги щом намери време !
Пол : Female
Зодия : Cancer
Брой мнения : 10453
Регистрация : 28.06.2015

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeНед 28 Юни - 10:42

Страхотно книгите са супер.
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Пол : Female
Брой мнения : 3690
Регистрация : 10.06.2015

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeСря 26 Авг - 15:29

Елоиза Джеймс - Pleasures Trilogy

1/ Предложения за превод 7267246

Potent Pleasures
Reckless desire sends Charlotte Daicheston into the garden with a dashing masked stranger. He's powerful, unforgettable, a devastatingly handsome footman who lures her-not against her will-into a grand indiscretion at a masquerade ball. Then he vanishes. Several years later, after Charlotte has made her dazzling debut in London society, they meet again. But the rogue is no footman. He's rich, titled, and he doesn't remember Charlotte. Worse, he's the subject of some scandalous gossip: rumor has it, the earl's virility is in question. Charlotte, who knows all too intimately the power of his passion, is stunned by the gossip that has set society ablaze. At last, there can be a storybook ending...unless, of course, Charlotte's one mad indiscretion had not been with him at all....

2/ Предложения за превод 658345

Midnight Pleasures
The daughter of the marquis of Brandenburg, Lady Sophie York is a beguiling and flirtatious innocent. One of the most marriageable young women in Regency London, she's also secretly brainy. Yet she finds herself in love with a man she is dead set against loving: Patrick Foakes, a handsome rake. Sophie has determined never to marry, since her father is a notorious philanderer who constantly humiliates Sophie's mother with his flagrant pursuit of Frenchwomen. Sure that Patrick will always be a libertine, she turns him down when he asks for her hand. She then accepts the proposal of his stodgy friend, Lord Slaslow. Patrick is stunned-a little relieved, but mostly stung: the proud lothario has fallen for Sophie. After Patrick adopts a disguise as a favor to Lord Saslow, the fiery pair are thrown together. They find they can't resist each other, so they bed and marry. But each has separate, unspoken fears-she of his assumed infidelity, he of her early death from childbirth-that puts them at cross-purposes, until tragedy strikes. James (Potent Pleasures) proves herself a notable chronicler of the genre here. Her spritely tale takes on substance with a subplot about events in the Ottoman Empire. In addition, while the customary hallmarks are in evidence-the breathless, drawn-out sex scenes; the misunderstandings that almost ruin everything-these contretemps flow naturally from the characterizations and plot, and contribute to an engaging story.

3/ Предложения за превод 658348

Enchanting Pleasures
Gabrielle Jerningham cherishes the portrait of her betrothed, the perfect Peter Dewland...until she meets his commanding older brother Quill. But it is Peter to whom she has been promised. And how can she possibly transform her voluptuous, outspoken self into the poised gentlewoman Peter requires? When Gabby's shocking décolletage plunges to her waist at her first ball, Peter is humiliated. But Quill comes to the rescue, to the peril of his heart. An accident years before has left Quill plagued by headaches-the kind that grows more excruciating with strenuous exercise. Needless to say, this hardly bodes well for siring progeny. But the very sight of Gabby leaves Quill breathless. One forbidden kiss and Quill vows to have her, headaches-and Peter-be damned! But it will take a clever man-and a cleverer woman-to turn the tables on propriety and find their way to true love....

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Пол : Female
Брой мнения : 3690
Регистрация : 10.06.2015

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeПон 14 Дек - 9:47

Стефани Лорънс (Stephanie Laurens) - Cynster series

1/ The Promise in a Kiss (Cynster 0.5)

Предложения за превод 240453

Every girl--even convent-educated ones--dreams of forbidden kisses. So when a man literally falls at Helena's feet as she's walking through the courtyard one moonlit Christmas Eve, the pretty, young comtesse d'Lisle knows he's up to no good. He's clearly a bit dangerous... and obviously caught in the middle of a clandestine rendezvous. Why else would he have risked his neck and jumped out of a window into the snow?
It's wrong, it's outlandish . . . and it's the most utterly romantic gesture she's ever seen. So when the good sisters rush up, demanding to know if she has seen a man on the grounds, Helena ignores the years of strict upbringing that insist she reveal his presence.
To lie would be a sin, but no one can be good all the time.
As a reward for her silence, the stranger takes her in his arms and enticingly, unforgettably kisses her--and then departs, leaving a lingering if unspoken promise of all that might be, should fate decree that they meet again. Although Helena doesn't know it, her wild Englishman is Sebastian Cynster, Duke of St. Ives, a nobleman who will prove to be her destiny.
Seven years later, Helena has been transformed from a pretty schoolgirl to an aristocratic beauty. Her sparkling wit has made her sought after by London's hostesses; her considerable dowry has made winning her hand the aim of many a gentleman . . . but she is deadeningly aware of how boring so many of these gentlemen are.
Her manipulative guardian has unexpectedly allowed her to find a husband of her own choosing, and she has no intention of marrying any man who tries to tame her. There must be someone perfect for her . . . someone who can live up to the promise of that long-ago kiss.
Then, at a ball, fate strikes. Once again, it is the Christmas season, and across the crowded room Helena stands transfixed . . . for there is the man whose kiss she has never forgotten, the man of her memory whom no other has ever been able to supplant. Her wild, mysterious Englishman, Sebastian Cynster, Duke of St. Ives.

2/ Годеницата на дявола - преведена и издадена на български

3/ A Rake's Vow

Предложения за превод 823580

To Vane Cynster, Bellamy Hall seems like the perfect place to temporarily hide from London′s husband hunters. But when he encounters irresistible Patience Debbington, Vane realises he′s met his match ...
She vowed no man would catch her.
Patience isn′t about to succumb to Vane′s sensuous propositions. Yes, his kisses leave her dizzy and his caresses made her melt; but Patience has promised herself she′ll never become vulnerable to a broken heart. Is this one vow that was meant to be broken?

4/ Scandal's Bride

Предложения за превод Slcnsb

How can an honourable lady like Lady Catriona Hennessy unite with a rake like Richard Cynster? Though charmed by his commanding presence, she cannot give up her independence. Marriage had not previously been on Richard′s agenda, but perhaps taming the lady was just the challenge he needs - if he can have the rights of the marriage bed without making any revealing promises of love?

5/ A Rogue's Proposal

Предложения за превод A-rogues-proposal-072230352

Demon Cynster has seen love bring his brethren to their knees, and he's vowed that he will not share their fate . . . until he spies Felicity Parteger sneaking about his racing stable. Demon remembers Felicity as a mere chit of a girl, but now she stands before him, all lush curves and sparkling eyes...
Felicity knows Demon was one of the town's most eligible bachelors and a rogue of the worst sort, but he was the only one capable of getting her friend out of trouble. She knows Demon will never yield her the love she desperately seeks, but could a marriage of passion alone be enough?

6/ A Secret Love

Предложения за превод Slcnasl

All of Regency London knows that no Cynster male would ever walk away from a lady in distress...but their protection can come at a tantalizingly high price. And now, Stephanie Laurens has created her boldest Cynster yet--Gabriel--a man who has known the pleasure of many women, but who has given his heart to no one.

She was desperate for his help...When a mysterious lady, her face hidden by a black veil, begs Gabriel Cynster for his help, he cannot refuse her plea. For despite her disguise, Gabriel finds the woman alluring and he is powerless to deny her. But he exacts payment as only a Cynster would demand: with each piece of information he uncovers, she must pay him--in the form of a kiss.
He was powerless to resist...
Lady Alathea Morwellan knows Gabriel is intrigued, but despite the sparks that fly between them, they have never passed a civil moment together. Yet as the stakes get higher, so does Gabriel's desire for payment. And with each overpowering kiss, each passionate embrace, Alathea knows that she will not be able to resist his ultimate seduction...but what will happen when she reveals the truth?

7/ All About Love

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Alasdair Cynster known to his intimates as Lucifer decides to rusticate in the country before the matchmaking skills of London′s mamas become firmly focused on him, the last unwed Cynster. But an escape to Devonshire leads him straight to his destiny in the irresistible form of Phyllida Tallent, a willful, independent beauty of means who brings all his masterful Cynster instincts rioting to the fore. Lucifer isn′t about to deny his desire for Phyllida, and he′s determined to use all his seductive skills to enjoy the benefits of destiny′s choice without submitting to the parson′s noose.
Phyllida has had a bevy of suitors, her charm and wit are well known throughout the countryside, but none of them has tempted her the way Lucifer does. His offer to teach her all about the ways of love is almost too tantalising to resist. And though she′s not yet completely surrendered, she knows only a fool stands against a Cynster...and Phyllida is no one′s fool.

8/ All About Passion

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New York Times bestselling Australian author Stephanie Laurens delivers the latest tale in the immensely popular Cynster series. When Chillington is elected an ′honorary Cynster′ at the end of All About Love, he knows he needs a wife , and an heir. His goal; a simple marriage without romance. He agrees to marry a woman he believes to be pliant and quiet. Unfortunately for him, the woman he thinks is Francesca Rawling is really her cousin, Franni.Francesca herself is proud, passionate and opinionated in short, the perfect bride for a Cynster..

и още 16 книги
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Чете : Всичко, което си заслужава четенето.
Пол : Female
Брой мнения : 1311
Регистрация : 01.11.2012
Местожителство : Somewhere over the rainbow ;-)

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ПисанеЗаглавие: Re: Предложения за превод   Предложения за превод Icon_minitimeВто 15 Дек - 0:14

alabala написа:
Стефани Лорънс (Stephanie Laurens) - Cynster series

и още 16 книги

Определено този, който се наеме да преведе тази поредица (която е около 20+ книги, защото не е само за основното семейство Синстър, а също така за техни роднини и приятели), трябва да има много, ама мнооооооооого свободно време, защото обикновено една нейна книга е около 350 стр. на английски. Да не казвам, че на моменти книгите са дори още по-дълги - например TEMPTATION AND SURRENDER, която започнах да чета преди няколко години и все още не съм дочела, защото историята започна да се размива и да става оттегчителна. С други думи, исках да кажа, че при един добър превод книгите й на български (ако не се отрежат части от книгата при превода), биха били не по-малко от 450-500 страници. Така че, напълно разбирам защо издателството, което е започнало издаването на поредицата, се е отказало да продължи. 😉

Това, което не мога да отрека на авторката е, че има невероятен стил, изключително богат и жив речников запас, и обожава описанията.

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Колкото е повече знанието, толкова е по-малко егото. Колкото е по-малко знанието, толкова е по-голямо егото.

Алберт Айнщайн

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